Cheney's Cold War Nostalgia Is No Alternative to Trumpism
The GOP's embrace of racist authoritarianism is catastrophic but Trump's foes keep offering a pallid and hoary alternative.
One reason I started this newsletter was I wanted a forum to work out my uncertainty and to argue with myself about conflicting ideas and emotions. Most journalistic genres demand a show of certitude or conclusiveness, but blogging, I’ve found, is conducive to thinking in public, to grappling in an open fashion with what puzzles us.
Liz Cheney’s emergence as the face of resistance to GOP Trumpification is something that I’m deeply ambivalent about. On the one hand, the rise of racist and xenophobic authoritarianism is one of the major problems of our time. This is true not just in the United States but around the world. There are some erstwhile leftists, notably Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi, who dismiss this problem as a form of liberal bedwetting. I think they are profoundly wrong.
Trump is not the first authoritarian in American history and he emerged from deep roots in the right-wing of the Republican Party. But there is no question that Trump has, at least in terms of the modern era, endangered democracy in a new way with his strongman presidency, his incitement of the attack on the Capitol Building on January 6, his ongoing efforts to delegitimize the Biden presidency, and his calls for a rollback of voting rights.
Given the dangers that Trumpism poses, there’s logic in welcoming Republican dissidents who break with the former president. But it’s a tragedy that the small anti-Trumpist faction is dominated by the Cheney wing of the GOP. (Aside from Liz Cheney, many associates of the former vice president are active in the Never Trump movement). As a result of the George W. Bush presidency, the Cheney name is synonymous with warmongering, lies and torture.
The good cause of anti-Trumpism deserves better advocates. A Lisa Murkowski or an Adam Kinzinger would, if they took up this mantle, present an anti-Trumpism that could appeal to those Republicans, who I think are a majority of the party, who have no nostalgia for the Bush/Cheney era. One factor in Trump’s rise is that an earlier cohort of GOP leadership had been discredited by the Iraq War and the 2008 crisis. Evoking that failed presidency by elevating Liz Cheney as the leader of anti-Trumpism is a good way to ensure continued Trump dominance.
Liz Cheney have a short speech on Tuesday night which highlighted both what is admirable about her anti-Trumpism and why it is a political dead end.
Cheney’s rebuke of Trump was eloquent and, to my mind, unanswerable:
Today we face a threat America has never seen before. A former president, who provoked a violent attack on this Capitol in an effort to steal the election, has resumed his aggressive effort to convince Americans that the election was stolen from him. He risks inciting further violence.
Millions of Americans have been misled by the former President. They have heard only his words, but not the truth, as he continues to undermine our democratic process, sowing seeds of doubt about whether democracy really works at all.
I am a conservative Republican and the most conservative of conservative principles is reverence for the rule of law. The Electoral College has voted. More than sixty state and federal courts, including multiple judges he appointed, have rejected the former president's claims. The Department of Justice in his administration investigated the former president's claims of widespread fraud and found no evidence to support them. The election is over. That is the rule of law. That is our constitutional process.
Yet Cheney’s speech was also steeped in a Cold War nostalgia that undercut its message. The logic of evoking Reagan and the struggles against the USSR are clear: the Cold War was the one period in American history were the political right grudgingly accepted democracy, both domestically and abroad, as a worthy goal. This was often done hypocritically (the United States supported many anti-communist tyrants) but it’s still the case that during the Cold War the value of democracy shared bipartisan support.
In the long arc of American history, the Cold War stands as a period of rare elite consensus. Cheney is not the only political leader that yearns for a return to a period where bipartisan agreement about a foreign threat helped unify a fractious nation.
Cheney was trying to revive that spirit. Here are a few of the places she conjured up the Cold War in her speech:
In 1992, I sat across a table from a young mayor in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia and listened to him talk of his dream of liberating his nation from communism. Years later, for his dedication to the cause of freedom, Boris Nemtsov would be assassinated by Vladimir Putin's thugs.
In Warsaw, in 1990, I listened to a young Polish woman tell me that her greatest fear was that people would forget what it was like to live under communist domination, that they would forget the price of freedom.
Three men -- an immigrant who escaped Castro's totalitarian regime; a young man who grew up behind the iron curtain and became his country's minister of defense; and a dissident who spent years in the Soviet gulag have all told me it was the miracle of America captured in the words of President Ronald Reagan that inspired them to seek freedom.
Crucially, Cheney suggested that Trump needed to be opposed because he was undermining the unity needed to fight a new Cold War with China:
As the party of Reagan, Republicans championed democracy, won the Cold War, and defeated the Soviet Communists. As we speak, America is on the cusp of another Cold War -- this time with communist China. Attacks against our democratic process and the rule of law empower our adversaries and feed Communist propaganda that American democracy is a failure.
The question is: does this warmed over red baiting have any power to convince? One problem is that the Cold War ended more than 30 years ago, so is hardly an urgent memory.
To the extent anti-communism excites contemporary Republicans, it takes the form of a China-bashing that plays into Trump’s hand (he can claim to be ahead of the curve in warning about China). Beyond that, the real anti-communism that truly energizes the GOP base (and some centrist liberals) is domestic: the bugaboo scare-mongering over BLM, Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, AOC, and Bernie Sanders. Here again, Trump is strengthened, not weakened, by Cheney’s rhetoric.
Further, as Daniel Radosh observes, Cheney’s critique of authoritarianism is narrowly focused on Trump’s actions and doesn’t extend to supporting actual legislative efforts to shore up democracy:

If the anti-Trump forces inside the GOP want to have a positive influence, they need a newer message and newer messengers.
[Too long. Oh, well.]
Hi Jeet!
"One reason I started this newsletter was I wanted a forum to work out my uncertainty and to argue with myself about conflicting ideas and emotions."
Cool. I'm down with it, obvs. (Off hand and BTW because I didn't respond - I like the comix culture posts and I like the politics posts, but mixing the two in the same post feels like repeated screeching stops.)
"There are some erstwhile leftists, notably Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi, who dismiss this problem as a form of liberal bedwetting. I think they are profoundly wrong."
Welp, as with Sully, I quit paying attention to Greenwald a long time ago. (God only knows why anybody pays attention to DeBoer.) I do remember that Bolsanaro was threatening to imprison GG, and then there was nothing afterwards, so my working assumption is Bolsanaro pwned GG, and GG is doing what our Axis Internationalé wants. Along the lines of: "Senhor Greenwald, we believe you would make an excellent addition to our stable of people upholding our international cause against the nefarious workings of the pig globalists, so you must come to work for us. Of course, you might refuse our generous offer, but then you would come home one day to find your dogs have all been shot, and your little friend there has been nailed to the front door of your burning house - and your troubles will have only just begun." Whether I should look through all the bullshit he's mouthing and have pity on the poor bastard is an interesting question.
I dunno what's going on with Taibbi aside from being pissed off about being cancelled - I mostly don't read him - I pay attention to Ames and Dolan instead but I don't like swallowing anything whole.
"Most journalistic genres demand a show of certitude or conclusiveness, but blogging, I’ve found, is conducive to thinking in public, to grappling in an open fashion with what puzzles us."
"But there is no question that Trump has, at least in terms of the modern era, endangered democracy in a new way with his strongman presidency, his incitement of the attack on the Capitol Building on January 6, his ongoing efforts to delegitimize the Biden presidency, and his calls for a rollback of voting rights."
We reached a culmination of the long-standing drive to reverse the New Deal. It just turns out to accomplish the things they want (the destruction of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, UI, 'welfare', &c.) they're just going to have to overthrow the government. Given the things I have read by the right, written out again and again, over the course of decades, about the need to overthrow the black helicopter state (i.e. the vicious totalitarianism that oppresses little old ladies with ... Meals on Wheels). Stretching from the 70's all the way through now, the hard hard right has basically been driving for this forever, prodded and funded by assorted nutjob right-wing billionaires. (Like... Donald Trump, say.)
Somebody linked the cranky talking baseball there ( saying "...your party is the existential threat to the classical liberal order & rule of written law, has been for a century." What he doesn't talk about it is what the 'classical liberal order' was (1815-1914 rest in peace, or actually rot in hell). OUTRAGE! that people might try to prevent old people from starving in the streets. OUTRAGE! that pathetic socialists might try to prevent 12-year-olds from a earning a good honest days pay for dying in a coal mine. OUTRAGE! that women ('trollops' I believe would have been the phrase) would try to get the vote. OUTRAGE! that Africans might try and revolt against empires trying to enslave them. OUTRAGE! that these pathetic socialists might try and create a central bank to buttress financial markets against collapse. OUTRAGE! that these communists might try and organize workers for a forty-hour-week and a 5¢/week raise. OUTRAGE! that someone would try and do something about all those black people in the South being lynched and multilated in public. (Outrage wasn't there for the atrocities of the Belgian Congo, a murderous slave empire that was only rivaled by the brief Nazi empire in Eastern Europe and the Stalist Holimidor.)
My ex-person used to do the SCA thing but I was never into it because I could never get the point - where were the flies and the shit? (Yes, I did watch Holy Grail as a child, why do ask?) Eventually she said that they were 'royalty'. OH. I said. That explains it. Cranky here is cosplaying and deeply feels the deep pain and suffering of the much maligned oppressed geniuses like, I dunno, JP Morgan. The Vanderbilts and etc. Not even considered, existing as only shadow figures, are all those other 99.9% of the people - there only to function as furniture and props to support the apotheosis of the great business BRAIN GENIOUSES. Neat!
("Daedalus & Son, Ltd. herein present their newest invention: Narcissism in a can! Now you too can be swallowed by all-consuming self-regard and admiration AT ANY TIME day or night! Available in finer saloons, general stores and soda fountains nationwide!")
Which he followed up with "Republicans have work to do. For Democrats, that work is definitionally impossible. It would require getting rid of the party's ideology, activists, intellectuals, institutions, everyone and everything it has worked for over the past century."
Smells like a would-be genocideaire to me. So, charmed, really. (Maybe I should translate it into German? OK, wow: "Republikaner haben Arbeit zu erledigen. Für Demokraten ist diese Arbeit definitiv unmöglich. Es würde erfordern, die Ideologie der Partei, Aktivisten, Intellektuelle, Institutionen, alle und alles, wofür sie im letzten Jahrhundert gearbeitet hat, loszuwerden." It DOES sound better in the original... uh, machine-translated German!)
Trump has merely (and mostly accidentally I think) translated the FoxNews crazy energy into a Presidential persona. (Much the same thing happened to Reagan in much milder way.) I doubt very much that the guy even understands anything going on other than the need to feed his all-consuming ego.
"But it’s a tragedy that the small anti-Trumpist faction is dominated by the Cheney wing of the GOP. (Aside from Liz Cheney, many associates of the former vice president are active in the Never Trump movement). As a result of the George W. Bush presidency, the Cheney name is synonymous with warmongering, lies and torture."
I would put it to you Jeet, that a lot of the people supporting the neo-conservatives were sincerely ideological committed to the idea of a democracy. (And a whole bunch didn't, probably the overwhelming majority.) The wheat is sorting itself out from the actually fascist chaff here so what Tom Nichols said here ( applies: "If the coalition for democracy includes everyone from Liz Warren to Liz Cheney, that's a pretty big tent, and I'm in. If you're one of the people whose purity demands that you can't be in a coalition with either of them, you're not focused on the real problem here."
I see it as a guy who's been on a 0-57 batting streak hitting a double - great! Can you do it twice? Let's see!
"This was often done hypocritically (the United States supported many anti-communist tyrants) but it’s still the case that during the Cold War the value of democracy shared bipartisan support. In the long arc of American history, the Cold War stands as a period of rare elite consensus. Cheney is not the only political leader that yearns for a return to a period where bipartisan agreement about a foreign threat helped unify a fractious nation."
Well, yeah, the Cold War had its own nasty history - but the right did bend for that. Absent the Cold War, the torpedo without a target tried to find a new target. And has.
"To the extent anti-communism excites contemporary Republicans, it takes the form of a China-bashing that plays into Trump’s hand (he can claim to be ahead of the curve in warning about China)."
*I* can claim to be ahead of the curve (and Donald Trump). The issue with China is that Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Maoism never died, it just laid low for awhile, and the exact same group of billionaire nutjobs that backs Trump here, was backing opening up China because they wanted to make the profits of all that enserfed Chinese labor. In the process, the exact same group of billionaire nutjobs went hard in on the War on Terror ($MONEY$!), which provoked the inevitable power-balancing by Russia. Who promptly (2005) lined themselves up with the Chinese. Those two powers have lined themselves up with various other tyrannical/oligarchal types, and of course, the exact same billionaire nutjobs who are lined up with Trump are lined up with that crowd.
It isn't for no reason that there's been a slow-crawl of right-wing coups in South America, that the Arab Spring got viciously repressed, that we have got various Arab oligarchies fighting a proxy war in Libya and so on and so forth. (See also the Austerians of Europe and the ECB.) They saw an opportunity in 2009-2010 to get back to 'the classical liberal order' and they took it. They have the bit in their teeth and they want to keep going and win the game.
If it turns out that Liz Cheney doesn't like that game and doesn't want to get to the nasty little end that game comes to, then God bless her for that. Better late than never.
"If the anti-Trump forces inside the GOP want to have a positive influence, they need a newer message and newer messengers."
Seconded. Fine by me!
the noisy baseball will never ever get the biscuit dough back into the 1890 can, but he will happily sell his soul trying, and there's nothing for it
i don't see cheney or trump as the important element in this saga / how can intelligent mature people accept the lies and denigrations that are smeared across our media ?? somebody answer this for me please because i am mystified / covid may be a pernicious virus but this ignorance is a far more devious and damaging virus and it has somehow infected the minds of millions of people / i don't worry about our republic i worry about the citizens of this republic (and of the world) that can't or don't want to know the difference between truth and lies