My own feeling is that CRT is more appropriate for the courtroom than the classroom. Way more prosecutors are racist than are professors.
I'm not getting into the 'how do we define racism' question. *Everyone* defines racism in a way that buttresses their prior beliefs.
Similarly, everyone takes what they want from MLK Jr.'s voluminous speeches and writings to suit their own polemical needs. I would note that he said "I have a dream" and not "I have a plan." Fighting for a better society was and is a grubby business. MLK Jr. was assassinated while supporting a trash haulers strike in Memphis.
Paul Campos over at LG&M has also written about the moral panic over CRT in schools:
My own feeling is that CRT is more appropriate for the courtroom than the classroom. Way more prosecutors are racist than are professors.
I'm not getting into the 'how do we define racism' question. *Everyone* defines racism in a way that buttresses their prior beliefs.
Similarly, everyone takes what they want from MLK Jr.'s voluminous speeches and writings to suit their own polemical needs. I would note that he said "I have a dream" and not "I have a plan." Fighting for a better society was and is a grubby business. MLK Jr. was assassinated while supporting a trash haulers strike in Memphis.