« If Democrats are unhappy with Biden’s gamble, if they don’t think working within existing institutions is enough, they need to start pressuring the White House to take voting rights reform much more seriously. » Ok and ask him to do what exactly? I am no fan of Biden and I would endorse any tactic that looks promising. But due to a lack of imagination I have no clear winning tactic to suggest. Do you? And if you do, why not share it with us. All (and here I mean pretty much all Dems from AOC wing to Biden) think the greatest threat comes from loosing the senate or House in the mid terms. All agree HR -1/S-1 would help stave this off. Ok, so how to pressure Sinema and Manchin?

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I don't understand this irrational infatuation with ending the filibuster. Do you really believe that Democrats will be in power forever? That a slim trifecta will not be in the R's hands sometime soon? It's as if there is some make-believe thinking that R's will never have power again. And if so, they could merely reverse everything, and more! Or that D's will forever hold power! Is that your dream? Do you not realize how irrational it is?

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