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"There’s no reason to think Carlson is being fed information from a Russian source. Quite the reverse. "

I suspect Carlson is in fact being fed information from a Russian source: his staff is reading the Russian propaganda, and he's email/txting with the various R's who are still into this stuff. (The trumpy types. Like Rod Dehrer.) He doesn't NEED anymore than that. Dig it:

"Subsequent to Fukuyama’s comments, Trump has become more critical of Putin but also turned his fury to Joe Biden, arguing that his alleged weakness created the crisis."

This is Vlad 'It's a Desk! Not a Table! A Desk!' Putin's argument for why Russia and echoed it against Biden, while pretend-yelling at Vlad. It's a day of the week ending in a y so Trump's full of shit and carrying water for his favourite dictators. They are in need of new content each day to chum the rubes, and the Russians very helpfully provide that content.

"Not for the first time, Fukuyama is confusing one swallow for the whole spring."

Fukuyama went and said he was gonna be bold and predict total Ukrainian victory, and I said, 'Well, THAT'S not a good sign for Ukraine.' Hopefully the Ukrainians can overcome the additional handicap. (💙🌻💛)

"In fact, the uncertainty and chaos of wartime conditions is likely to offer even more opportunities for anyone peddling the politics of paranoia. "

A nice summary of the oughts and the war on terror.

Which is to say, we've been here awhile, so we're getting the worst right now. Especially if you take into account the various supposed allied foreign powers who are no-doubt-about-it outright stabbing us in the back. Like Saudi. That sounds paranoid, that IS paranoid, and it just happens to be true. At least it is out in the open where it can be dealt with, which should help reduce free-floating paranoia over time.


then we can just maintain the focused paranoia

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