Great post, Jeet. Why don’t progressives launch a campaign in TN that has people going on TV talking about cancel culture? We should Steal the term from the right the way Trump stole “fake news” from the left

In 2016.

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The book is not banned or censored. It's still freely available in the school library for any student who wants to read it.

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I feel like something's missing in the commentary on this. Jane Coaston, among others, is under the impression that the nudity the board members were referring to is the scenes of the concentration camp, but the minutes clearly mention a naked woman in a bath. It seems that the scene they're referring to is actually the one of Spiegelman's mother in a bath after killing herself.

This doesn't make it better, in any way, but I think it's important to be clear on what's being discussed.

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Excellent, thanks, Jeet. It's of course tragically hilarious that the hyterics around "critical race theory" and "wokeness" promulgated by people like Bari Weiss end up inevitably resulting in Shoah education getting banned. On a side note, I'm assuming your school friend David Berman was not the Silver Jew?

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