The Time of Monsters
The Time of Monsters
Podcast: Manchin’s Machinations and Sinema’s Schemes

Podcast: Manchin’s Machinations and Sinema’s Schemes

Ryan Cooper on the Democratic Senators who are dismantling the Democrat’s agenda
Senator Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin (Kent Nishimura / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

The impressive $3.5 Trillion reconciliation bill put forward by the Democrats is currently being whittled away. While it will still be the biggest expansion of the American social safety net in a generation, it’s likely that key provisions on climate change and drug pricing, among others, will be removed. 

Much of the blame for this lies with two Democratic Senators, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. To get a sense of what they’re up to, I sat down with Ryan Cooper, who is a columnist for The Week and also one of my favorite political analysts. In addition to the personal factors and ideologies at play on the floor, Ryan and I also discussed the institutional structure of the Senate and how it encourages fecklessness.

(Podcast produced by Julia Elinore Peterson; post edited by Emily M. Keeler)

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The Time of Monsters
The Time of Monsters
Political culture and cultural politics.