Tucker Carlson singing the praises of Victor Orbán on a recent trip to Hungary might have surprised some political observers but not Sarah Posner. Over the last two decades, she’s distinguished herself as one of the most astute observers of the authoritarian turn in American politics, with a particular focus on the religious right. She analyzed the tropism toward Orbán and Vladimir Putin in her 2020 book Unholy: Why White Evangelicals Worship at the Altar of Donald Trump, which has taken on a new resonance over the last week.
I’ve often drawn on Posner’s insight, including in two recent posts. But I was eager to hear what she thought of Tucker Carlson’s Hungarian tour, so I sat down with her for an illuminating chat.
Previously in this series: Tucker Carlson and Authoritarian Tourism and Right-wing Junketeering: Funding a Cruise through Autocracy.
(Post edited by Emily M. Keeler)
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