Sitemap - 2022 - The Time of Monsters

Newsletter News

Podcast: The Ethics of Appearing on Tucker Carlson

Podcast: The Book Reviewing Crisis

Unsettled Laws

Podcast: The Post Roe Era

Podcast: The Stakes in the War Against Critical Race Theory

Hitchens Revived?

Remembering Steven Heighton

Podcast: The French Election

Podcast: Compact Magazine and the Red-Brown Alliance

Podcast: The Rise and (Possible) Fall of Commentary

Podcast: Wartime Dilemas

Podcast: Frank Miller's Long Shadow on The Batman

The QAnon Boomerang

Podcast: The Slap Heard Round the World

The Politics of Paranoia

Podcast: Putin’s Failed Mission

Of Tyrants & Terminators

Is Putin the Problem?

Podcast: Michael McFaul, The Embarrassing Ambassador

The King’s Man and Antisemitism in the Mainstream

Putin’s Goon Squad

Podcast: Putin's Plutocrats are Also Ours

The Republican Divide On Russia

Blame America?

Podcast: How to Help Ukraine

Podcast: Canada, Convoys and Class War

Putin Ain't Woke

Podcast: What Happened to J.D. Vance?

A Tale of Two Trucker Stories

Podcast: Your friends, Whoopi Goldberg and Joe Rogan

Three Thoughts on the Freedom Convoy

Podcast: The Siege of Ottawa

Podcast: A Brief History of Comic Book Scandals

Larry Summers is Not in Charge

Podcast: Something Wickedly Good This Way Comes

Jason Epstein, Editor Extraordinaire, RIP

Fascism as Metaphor and Fact

Tucker Carlson Wonders What War is Good For

Podcast: Those Great Canadian Truckers

Podcast: A War With Russia?

Maus in Tennessee

In Praise of Presidential Profanity

Podcast: The “Cancellation” of Norman Mailer

Remembering Terry Teachout, Consummate Metropolitan

Podcast: Sorkin, King of Cringe

False Dichotomy in the Fascism Debate

Podcast: Critics Are Down on Don’t Look Up

A Candle for Terry Teachout

Podcast: David Brooks’ Delusional Nostalgia

Destroying the Democratic Party Won’t Defeat Trump

Podcast: The Mythical New Yorker

Can Ted Cruz Grovel His Way To The Presidency?

Podcast: What Happened to Christopher Hitchens?

The Famous and the Unread